In trying to write this article, I found myself immersed in a multitude of conflicting information. I thought, when I chose the topic of hope, that it would be easy to write. However, I realize that this topic is much deeper than I could have imagined.

What is hope?

If we look in the dictionary, we can find: "To hope, to expect (sth.) with confidence." "Feeling that leads to hope." So we could say that it is a feeling that gives us the ability to wait with confidence for something to happen.

Okay. But, as I studied this sentence a tiny bit further, I realized that hope only exists in the expectation of something. Do we agree?

Could it be, then, that if we never need to wait for anything, hope would not exist? If this is true, then hope could only be associated with the future, with waiting and the desire for "better". And the non-existence of hope could be due to the incapacity to imagine the future?

Knowing this, we can return to our world. Where the expectation of something better is fully part of our societies. And therefore, hope seems to be essential to face an uncertain future.

Hope is more than a feeling, it is a powerful force deeply rooted in us. It allows us to move forward even when all seems lost.

When we are faced with difficult challenges, hope keeps our heads up and keeps us going. It gives us the motivation to find solutions and to continue to look for ways to overcome obstacles.It can help us to change our perspective on the current situation and find reasons to remain optimistic about the future.

Proved a number of times, optimistic people are happier, because hope is a powerful tool. It can even be contagious! When we share our hope with others, it can give them the strength to overcome their own obstacles, or show them that another possibility exists. It can create a positive dynamic, where those around us support each other in their time of need.

Hope, hand in hand with optimism, can undoubtedly change your vision of the future. For in reality, we have a deep need to believe that the future will be better than our past. How can we live a peaceful life, believing that our future will be worse?

We are all aware that hope is necessary in our lives, and that it plays an important role in our development, but few of us talk about it openly.

The importance of hope is no longer in question, but it is useful to remember that hope is born in expectation. And living in the present moment is all the more important because it is in itself the answer to a past hope.

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.

Martin Luther King
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