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What is it?
It's an idea that has been in my head for several years. It's a book, it's a coaching, it's a sharing. Living in a world where everything changes, we have gone from a generation that stayed 20 to 30 years in the same company, to a generation that can't stop, that is constantly looking for change. Our parents and grandparents did not have access to the choices we have today. Before, we did the same work as our parents, or we did it better. But today, what does better mean? What should we compare ourselves to? The salary, the working hours, the conditions? Fewer and fewer jobs can be compared, as they are constantly changing. Today, we can more easily be master of our destiny. However, this freedom often locks us into the fear of being wrong.. Following a marked path seems much easier than making your own way through the bush. However, with the right tools, it is possible.
This book is a method inspired by my encounters during my travels, my studies, my research, to access my inner self. To allow myself to understand who I am, to know where I want to go. I am convinced that we all have the answers and the keys within us, but sometimes we need to be listened to, supported, guided to be able to access them. I don't claim to have all the answers, far from it, but I know that I am here, in this life, to help others find their way. And I have promised myself to do everything I can, in every way I can, to help as many people as possible. Unfortunately, I can only help those who are willing to move forward. Very often, in order to move forward, you have to let go, forgive, accept... And nobody can do that for somebody else.
"Before you heal someone, ask them if they are willing to give up
the things that make them sick." Hippocrate
Why is this for you?
If you are lost, if you don't know who you want to be, what you want to do and how to live... You are in the right place! I wrote this book and thought about this coaching for young people between 15 and 25 years old, but if you are older or younger, don't worry, everyone is welcome! We all have the right to be in a phase of questioning, of impasse...
My way of being and doing is not necessarily what you will find elsewhere. I am generally described as a good listener, benevolent... But I am not shy to ask questions that make you think, and that sometimes make you angry. My vision of things, often, in the form of a metaphor, makes me think that we are in a room, locked, but not with keys. That behind the door are other opportunities of life, and other doors. But sometimes we get stuck in that room because we are afraid to go out and see what's out there. Sometimes we don't even know how to turn on the light... I want to help you find the keys that will allow you to turn on your inner light, and to dare to open that door of infinite possibilities.
If you are ready to ask yourself questions and look for answers within yourself, if you are ready to get out of your comfort zone and if you know that there is something great waiting for you at the end of the road... This program is for you!
The different options
I think it's important to have several options. Here, there will be just three.
- Purchase the book : you decided to work alone
- Buy the book + 5 hours coaching combo : you have decided to be accompanied in this change, and I am already looking forward to meeting you!
- Purchase one or more hours of coaching : You've decided to be accompanied but don't think you need 5 hours.